fathom: n.(pl. fathoms, 〔集合词〕 fathom)1.英寻(测量水深用的长度单位,合6英尺,或1.829米)。2.〔英国〕剖面为一平方英寻的(木材)量。短语和例子piled fathom 劈柴层积(〔英国〕=6×6×6英尺)。vt.1.测(水)深。2.推测,领会,看穿。短语和例子I can not fathom his meaning. 我领会不透他的意思。 fat
Sham chung marsh is situated on the east mouth of three fathoms cove . it is ecologically important for brackish fish species especially the black paradise fish , which is globally rare . the marsh habitat is also important for invertebrates 深涌沼泽位于企岭下海的东部,是咸淡水鱼尤其全球稀有的黑斗鱼的重要生境,那里的沼泽对无脊椎动物也举足轻重。